Can You Improve Coworking Space Communications?
Communication is a challenge in any office and any industry, but it can be an even bigger challenge in an open coworking space. Effectively communicating requires a certain level of flexibility along with an understanding that different people have different preferences. In a regular office, everyone is working for the same cause, but in a coworking space, everyone has different goals and often works independently. Because of that, it helps to understand communication styles so you can communicate with more transparency and in the proper way. Here are some tips to help you improve the communication within your coworking space.
Tip 1: Remain Self-Aware
You should first recognize the different communication styles and tailor your methods to those around you. You are more likely to get the results you want through communication-based on an individual’s preferred approach. Some people, for example, tend to work well with others who speak with them in person while others rather use email as a form of communication.
Tip 2: Make Others Comfortable
If you want everyone in the coworking space to feel comfortable coming to you for advice, you need to reach out to the first and allow them to understand that you are there to help them when they need something. You might want to host a gathering for everyone in the coworking space so you can get to know one another and share your ideas. The idea of the community feeling can be disconcerting to some who are new to coworking, but once they feel comfortable with the community aspect, they will be able to better communicate with you and everyone else.
Tip 3: Create Communication Rules
If the office is hodgepodge about communications, it doesn’t hurt to create rules. You don’t want someone bothering a bunch of people in the space when they are trying to work. Perhaps you could create a collaboration rule that can help interruptions be kept to a minimum. There could be a daily brainstorming hour that allows people to float about and get ideas for others or perhaps an email rule that you don’t bother others unless they have confirmed a time with you by email. Another idea is that when people are in the break room, they’re fair game for communication, ideas, brainstorming, or even personal chats.
Tip 4: It’s All About Compromise
You will have more effective communication in a coworking space if you compromise your style with other styles. You need to be able to work alone, together. While you are working independently, you are still working as part of a collaborative community. Make the most of the coworking space and take advantage of chances that help you think outside of the box for your own company.
Get Into That Coworking Space
If you’re ready to figure out communication in a coworking space, one way or another, contact BizHaus to go over the options. We have plenty of different coworking space layouts and one is bound to be just right for you.