Engaging with the members...
"From meticulously paying attention to the design of each office space to offering fun social get-togethers like beer / wine hours, they not only provide product, but are actively there engaging with the members and making sure to introduce everyone so no one feels left out."
— C.Y.
I couldn’t be happier...
"I couldn't be happier with the work environment, the vibe is super cool, we have free coffee and drinks, and the space is kept very clean and orderly."
— Darla B.
Super clean, modern...
"The space is super clean, modern, and full of natural light -- an overall great working environment. I absolutely love coming into work every day and feeling like I am part of the greater community."
— John C.
Fantastic work environment...
"Fantastic work environment with great group of people. This co-work space feels very open, with 20-ft original woods ceilings and large light wells."
— Ben L.
BizHaus is a fantastic space...
"Bizhaus is a fantastic space. Owners, Keith and Joe, have designed an environment that strikes a nice balance of vibrant activity and calm professionalism."
— Lea R.
The staff are all really helpful...
"The lofty interior design lends an open and creative atmosphere to an already buzzing work scene with everything ranging from tech start-ups to architects and more. The staff are all really helpful, every resource you would need in a work environment is readily available and the location can't be beat."
— Ryan M.